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Inherits: BaseCallback, Policy, Owned

Axis auction callback to initialize a Baseline token using proceeds from a batch auction.

This contract combines Baseline's InitializeProtocol Policy and Axis' Callback functionality to build an Axis auction callback specific to Baseline V2 token launches

It is designed to be used with a single auction and Baseline pool

State Variables


int24 internal constant _MAX_TICK = 887_272;


int24 internal constant _MIN_TICK = -887_272;


IBPOOLv1 public BPOOL;


ICREDTv1 public CREDT;


ILOOPSv1 public LOOPS;


ERC20 public immutable RESERVE;


ERC20 public bAsset;


Lot ID of the auction for the baseline market. This callback only supports one lot.

This value is initialised with the uint96 max value to indicate that it has not been set yet.

uint96 public lotId;


Indicates whether the auction is complete

This is used to prevent the callback from being called multiple times. It is set in the onSettle() callback.

bool public auctionComplete;


The percentage of the proceeds to allocate to the pool

This value is set in the onCreate() callback.

uint24 public poolPercent;


The percentage of the proceeds to allocate to the floor range

This value is set in the onCreate() callback.

uint24 public floorReservesPercent;


The address to receive proceeds that do not go to the pool

This value is set in the onCreate() callback.

address public recipient;


uint48 internal constant ONE_HUNDRED_PERCENT = 100e2;


The tick spacing width of the discovery range

int24 internal constant _DISCOVERY_TICK_SPACING_WIDTH = 350;



Constructor for BaselineAxisLaunch

address auctionHouse_,
address baselineKernel_,
address reserve_,
address owner_
onCreate: true,
onCancel: true,
onCurate: true,
onPurchase: false,
onBid: true,
onSettle: true,
receiveQuoteTokens: true,
sendBaseTokens: true


auctionHouse_addressThe AuctionHouse the callback is paired with
baselineKernel_addressAddress of the Baseline kernel
reserve_addressAddress of the reserve token. This should match the quote token for the auction lot.
owner_addressAddress of the owner of the contract. Must be the same as the eventual seller of the auction lot.


Define module dependencies for this policy.

function configureDependencies()
returns (BaselineKeycode[] memory dependencies);


dependenciesBaselineKeycode[]- Keycode array of module dependencies.


Function called by kernel to set module function permissions.

function requestPermissions()
returns (BaselinePermissions[] memory requests);


requestsBaselinePermissions[]- Array of keycodes and function selectors for requested permissions.


Validates that the lot id matches the stored lot id

modifier onlyValidLot(uint96 lotId_);


Validates that the auction is not already settled or cancelled

modifier onlyActiveLot();


This function performs the following:

  • Performs validation
  • Sets the lotId, percentReservesFloor, anchorTickWidth, and discoveryTickWidth variables
  • Calls the allowlist callback
  • Performs a solvency check to ensure the pool can support the intended supply
  • Mints the required bAsset tokens to the AuctionHouse

This function has the following assumptions:

  • Any Baseline credit allocations have been minted and allocated prior to auction creation (and this callback)

This function reverts if:

  • seller_ is not the owner
  • baseToken_ is not the same as bAsset
  • quoteToken_ is not the same as RESERVE
  • baseToken_ is not lower than quoteToken_
  • recipient is the zero address
  • lotId is already set
  • The pool fee tier is not supported
  • CreateData.floorReservesPercent is less than 10% or greater than 90%
  • CreateData.poolPercent is less than 10% or greater than 100%
  • CreateData.floorRangeGap is < 0
  • CreateData.anchorTickWidth is < 10 or > 50
  • The auction format is not supported
  • The auction is not prefunded
  • Any of the tick ranges would exceed the tick bounds
  • The provided anchor range upper tick is not the same as the calculated value
  • The pool tick is less than the auction price (in terms of ticks)
  • The pool capacity is not sufficient to support the intended supply
function _onCreate(
uint96 lotId_,
address seller_,
address baseToken_,
address quoteToken_,
uint256 capacity_,
bool prefund_,
bytes calldata callbackData_
) internal override;


Override this function to implement allowlist functionality

function __onCreate(
uint96 lotId_,
address seller_,
address baseToken_,
address quoteToken_,
uint256 capacity_,
bool prefund_,
bytes memory allowlistData_
) internal virtual;


This function performs the following:

  • Performs validation
  • Burns the refunded bAsset tokens

This function has the following assumptions:

  • BaseCallback has already validated the lot ID
  • The AuctionHouse has already sent the correct amount of bAsset tokens
  • The auction seller has manually unlocked BPOOL transfers, in order to allow the transfer of BPOOL tokens from the AuctionHouse to the callback

This function reverts if:

  • lotId_ is not the same as the stored lotId
  • The auction is already complete
  • Sufficient quantity of bAsset have not been sent to the callback
function _onCancel(
uint96 lotId_,
uint256 refund_,
bytes calldata
) internal override onlyValidLot(lotId_) onlyActiveLot;


This function performs the following:

  • Performs validation

This function has the following assumptions:

  • BaseCallback has already validated the lot ID

This function reverts if:

  • lotId_ is not the same as the stored lotId
  • The curator fee is non-zero
function _onCurate(
uint96 lotId_,
uint256 curatorFee_,
bytes calldata
) internal override onlyValidLot(lotId_) onlyActiveLot;


Not implemented since atomic auctions are not supported

function _onPurchase(
bytes calldata
) internal pure override;


No logic is needed for this function here, but it can be overridden by a lower-level contract to provide allowlist functionality

function _onBid(
uint96 lotId_,
uint64 bidId,
address buyer_,
uint256 amount_,
bytes calldata callbackData_
) internal virtual override;


This function performs the following:

  • Performs validation
  • Sets the auction as complete
  • Burns any refunded bAsset tokens
  • Ensures that the pool is at the correct price
  • Deploys reserves and liquidity into the Baseline pool
  • Performs a solvency check to ensure the pool can support the supply
  • Transfers any remaining proceeds (reserves) to the recipient

Next steps:

  • Activate the market making and credit facility policies in the Baseline stack, which cannot be enabled before the auction is settled and the pool is initialized

This function has the following assumptions:

  • BaseCallback has already validated the lot ID
  • The AuctionHouse has already sent the correct amount of quote tokens (proceeds)
  • The AuctionHouse has already sent the correct amount of refunded base tokens
  • The AuctionHouse is pre-funded, so does not require additional base tokens (bAssets) to be supplied
  • No new Baseline credit allocations have been made since the auction was created (and onCreate was called)
  • The auction seller has manually unlocked BPOOL transfers, in order to allow the transfer of refunded BPOOL tokens from the AuctionHouse to the callback

This function reverts if:

  • lotId_ is not the same as the stored lotId
  • The auction is already complete
  • The reported proceeds received are less than the reserve balance
  • The reported refund received is less than the bAsset balance
  • The pool price is not at the target price
  • The pool capacity is not sufficient to support the intended supply

Note that while the solvency check in both onCreate and onSettle are consistent, if the auction is not fully subscribed (and hence there is a refund), it can cause the solvency check to fail in onSettle.

function _onSettle(
uint96 lotId_,
uint256 proceeds_,
uint256 refund_,
bytes calldata
) internal virtual override onlyValidLot(lotId_) onlyActiveLot;


Calculate the expected proceeds from the auction and how much will be deposited in the pool

The proceeds sent to the onSettle callback function will exclude any protocol and referrer fees, so this calculation mimics the behaviour

function _getExpectedProceeds(
uint96 lotId_,
uint256 auctionPrice_,
uint256 capacity_
) internal view returns (uint256);


lotId_uint96Lot ID of the auction
auctionPrice_uint256Price of the auction
capacity_uint256Capacity of the auction


<none>uint256proceeds Expected proceeds from the auction


function uniswapV3SwapCallback(int256 bAssetDelta_, int256, bytes calldata data_) external;



event LiquidityDeployed(
int24 floorTickLower, int24 anchorTickUpper, uint128 floorLiquidity, uint128 anchorLiquidity



The address of the base token (passed in the onCreate callback) does not match the address of the bAsset that the callback was initialized with

error Callback_Params_BAssetTokenMismatch(address baseToken_, address bAsset_);


The address of the quote token (passed in the onCreate callback) does not match the address of the reserve that the callback was initialized with

error Callback_Params_ReserveTokenMismatch(address quoteToken_, address reserve_);


The auction format is not supported

error Callback_Params_UnsupportedAuctionFormat();


The pool fee tier is not supported

error Callback_Params_UnsupportedPoolFeeTier();


The anchor tick width is invalid

error Callback_Params_InvalidAnchorTickWidth();


The discovery tick width is invalid

error Callback_Params_InvalidDiscoveryTickWidth();


The floor range gap is invalid

error Callback_Params_InvalidFloorRangeGap();


The anchor tick upper is invalid

error Callback_Params_InvalidAnchorTickUpper();


One of the ranges is out of bounds

error Callback_Params_RangeOutOfBounds();


The floor reserves percent is invalid

error Callback_Params_InvalidFloorReservesPercent();


The pool percent is invalid

error Callback_Params_InvalidPoolPercent();


The recipient address is invalid

error Callback_Params_InvalidRecipient();


The auction tied to this callbacks contract has already been completed

error Callback_AlreadyComplete();


The required funds were not sent to this callbacks contract

error Callback_MissingFunds();


The initialization is invalid

error Callback_InvalidInitialization();


The capacity ratio is invalid

error Callback_InvalidCapacityRatio(uint256 capacityRatio);


capacityRatiouint256The ratio of the pool capacity to the circulating supply


The pool price is lower than the auction price

error Callback_PoolLessThanAuctionPrice(int24 currentTick, int24 auctionTick);


currentTickint24The current tick of the pool
auctionTickint24The tick corresponding to the auction price


The BPOOL reserve token does not match the configured RESERVE address

error Callback_BPOOLReserveMismatch();


The address of the BPOOL is higher than the RESERVE token address, when it must be lower

error Callback_BPOOLInvalidAddress();


The caller to the Uniswap V3 swap callback is invalid

error Callback_Swap_InvalidCaller();


The case for the Uniswap V3 swap callback is invalid

error Callback_Swap_InvalidCase();



Data struct for the onCreate callback

struct CreateData {
address recipient;
uint24 poolPercent;
uint24 floorReservesPercent;
int24 floorRangeGap;
int24 anchorTickU;
int24 anchorTickWidth;
bytes allowlistParams;


recipientaddressThe address to receive proceeds that do not go to the pool
poolPercentuint24The percentage of the proceeds to allocate to the pool, in basis points (1% = 100). The remainder will be sent to the recipient.
floorReservesPercentuint24The percentage of the pool proceeds to allocate to the floor range, in basis points (1% = 100). The remainder will be allocated to the anchor range.
floorRangeGapint24The gap between the floor and anchor ranges, as a multiple of the pool tick spacing.
anchorTickUint24The upper tick of the anchor range. Validated against the calculated upper bound of the anchor range. This is provided off-chain to prevent front-running.
anchorTickWidthint24The width of the anchor tick range, as a multiple of the pool tick spacing.
allowlistParamsbytesAdditional parameters for an allowlist, passed to __onCreate() for further processing