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How Fixed-Price Auctions Work

First Come First Served

Fixed-Price Auctions are a straightforward mechanism that allows participants to purchase tokens at a set price on a first-come, first-served basis. Unlike EMP Auctions, the process is simple and direct:

  1. A project creates a Fixed-Price Auction for their token launch, setting a predetermined price per token and a maximum percentage of the total capacity that can be purchased per transaction.
  2. Users begin purchasing tokens on a first-come, first-served basis.
  3. If there are no vesting terms, participants can immediately receive their tokens upon purchase. If vesting is applied, they must wait until the vesting period ends to claim their tokens.
  4. The auction closes once the entire capacity has been sold.

Fixed-Price Auctions often serve as the initial phase in a multi-stage token launch. This strategy helps projects raise initial capital, reward early adopters or community members (particularly if an allowlist is used), and assess market demand at a fixed price.

However, the trade-off is that Fixed-Price Auctions create race conditions when used for tokens in high demand. Participation is only guaranteed for users who are able to access the sale in time.