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Vesting Tokens

Sellers can optionally configure their auctions on Axis to vest the payout to buyers. Currently, Axis only supports linear vesting tokens. Sellers can define a start time and an end time for the vesting. The balance of tokens is then released to the holder evenly over that time period. Note, if the start time functions like a cliff, no tokens will vest until it is reached.

Is an auction payout vested?

If a market has vesting enabled, it will show the relevant information on the Token Info section of the auction page:

Example of Auction with Vesting

What do I receive if the payout is vested?

By default, Axis uses ERC6909, a new multi-token standard, for its vesting tokens, but they can optionally be wrapped as ERC20s. The Linear Vesting tokens are non-transferable, so composability is not as important for them. The vesting tokens have a generated SVG image that represents the position. Here's an example:

How do I check my vesting balance and claim the tokens?

If you win an auction and receive a vesting token, you can always check the status of it by going back to the auction page.

Once the token has started vesting, you can also claim the underlying tokens from here.